Occasionally, insurance companies are unwilling to pay the present-day, fair market value for the roof replacements. When this happens, (you) the insured have the right to invoke the appraisal process.
The Appraisal Clause allows you - the policyholder to hire an independent appraiser to determine the value of their damages. In turn, the insurance company will also hire their own independent appraiser. The two appraisers will then decide upon an umpire. The umpire is basically an arbitrator, or what you might call the judge. If a disagreement between the two appraisers arises, they can present their differences to the umpire who will make a ruling. These three individuals are known as the Appraisal Panel. The object of the Panel is to determine The Amount of Loss. The Amount of Loss is the total dollar amount needed to return the damaged property (your roof and/or any other damaged property) back to its original condition, either by repair or replacement.